

培训世界 >苏州Oracle认证培训 >Oracle Dataguard

Oracle Dataguard

Oracle Dataguard

上课时段: 详见内容

已关注: 188

课程价格: 请咨询

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授课学校: 苏州三网教育

教学点: 1个

开班时间: 滚动开班




  Oracle Data Guard Basics
  Describe the Architecture of Oracle Data Guard
  Explain the applicability between physical and logical standby and snapshot databases
  Explain the benefits of implementing Oracle Data Guard
  Explain Data Guard use with the Oracle Multi-tennant databases
 Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
  Create a Data Guard broker configuration
  Create a physical standby database
  Verify a Data Guard configuration
  Edit database properties related to Data Guard
  Test a Data Guard configuration
 Managing Oracle Net Services in a Data Guard Environment
  Configure client connectivity in a Data Guard configuration
  Implement failover procedures to automatically redirect clients to a new primary database
  Using Application Continuity in a Data Guard Environment
 Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using SQL and RMAN Commands
  Configure the primary database and Oracle Net Services to support the creation of the physical standby database and role transition
  Create a physical standby database by using the DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE FOR STANDBY FROM ACTIVE DATABASE RMAN command
 Using Oracle Active Data Guard
  Use Real-time Query to access data on a physical standby database
  Enable RMAN block change tracking for a physical standby database
  Use Far Sync to extend zero data loss protection for intercontinental configurations
  Using Temporary Undo.Global Sequences and Session Sequences
  Using Automatic Block Media Recovery
  Configure Real-Time Cascading
 Creating and Managing a Snapshot Standby Database
  Create a snapshot standby database to meet the requirement for a temporary,updatable snapshot of a physical standby database
  Convert a snapshot standby database back to a physical standby database
 Creating a Logical Standby Database
  Determine when to create a logical standby database
  Create a logical standby database
  Manage SQL Apply filtering
 Oracle Data Guard Broker Basics
  Describe the Data Guard broker architecture
  Describe the Data Guard broker components
  Explain the benefits of the Data Guard broker
  Describe Data Guard broker configurations
 Creating a Data Guard Broker Configuration
  Create a Data Guard broker configuration
  Manage the Data Guard broker configuration
 Monitoring a Data Guard Broker Configuration
  Use Enterprise Manager to manage your Data Guard configuration
  Invoke DGMGRL to manage your Data Guard configuration
 Configuring Data Protection Modes
  Describe the data protection modes
  Change the data protection mode of your configuration
 Performing Role Transitions
  Explain the database roles
  Perform a switchover
  Perform a failover
  Using Flashback Database in a Data Guard Configuration
  Configure Flashback Database
  Explain the advantages of using Flashback Database in a Data Guard configuration
 Enabling Fast-Start Failover
  Configure fast-start failover
  View information about the fast-start failover configuration
  Manage the observer
  Perform role changes in a fast-start failover configuration
  Manually reinstate the primary database
 Backup and Recovery Considerations in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration
  Use Recovery Manager(RMAN)to back up and restore files in a Data Guard configuration
  Offload backups to a physical standby database
  Recovering databases in a Data Guard Environment
  Managing Archive Redo Logs in a Data Guard Environment
 Patching and Upgrading Databases in a Data Guard Configuration
  Patch and upgrade databases using traditional patch methods
  Perform rolling upgrades
  Optimizing a Data Guard Configuration
  Monitor configuration performance
  Optimize redo transport for best performance
  Optimize SQL Apply
  Data Guard是Oracle真正应用集群(RAC)的理想补充并可与其他Oracle高可用性(HA)解决方案(如Oracle闪回、Oracle Recovery Manager(RMAN))以及Oracle数据库11 g的新数据库选件(包括Oracle Active Data Guard和Oracle Advanced Compression)结合使用,以提供最高级别的数据保护、数据可用性和资源利用率。
  下图为Oracle Data Guard的概括示意图:
Data Guard优点
  Data Guard提供了一个高效、全面的灾难恢复和高可用性解决方案。自动故障切换和易于管理的转换功能允许主数据库和备用数据库之间的快速角色转换,从而使主数据库因计划中和计划外的中断所导致的停机时间减到最少。
  Oracle Data Guard提供程度的保护、的可用性和性能模式来帮助企业平衡数据可用性和系统性能需求。
  如果主数据库和一个或多个备用数据库失去网络连接,重做数据将不能从主数据库发送到这些失去连接的备用数据库。一旦连接重新建立起来,Data Guard将自动检测丢失的重做数据,必要的存档日志将自动传输到备用数据库。备用数据库将与主数据库重新同步,无需管理员手动干预。
  Data Guard Broker实现了Data Guard配置中跨多个数据库的管理和监视任务的自动化。管理员可以借助Oracle企业管理器或Broker自己专用的命令行界面(DGMGRL)来利用这个集成管理框架。
  Data Guard是Oracle数据库(企业版)的一个集成功能,无需另外付费。