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培训世界 >天津格瑞思国际学校 >教师团队


格瑞思-Jovan Vuc
人气指数: 26

Jovan Vuckovic Master of Science Degree in Structural/Civil Engineering。 Successful in preparing students to effectively study mathematics, other sciences and arts, as well as business professionals to continue their successful careers in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Singapore and Switzerland. Lead by personal desire and VISION during recent couple of years to fully prepare my Chinese students to get the highest STEM qualificationson English in order to be competent to acquire valuable working experience on Belt and Ro

人气指数: 26

Darrilyn Macklin A returning member of the GATE team, Darrilyn Macklin first began developing science curriculum for science museums in the United States. There she discovered a passion for sharing knowledge that lead her to become a teacher. Originally from Houston, Texas, Darrilyn taught elementary Science, as well as, organize fun activities and events for her local community. She took a brief break from traditional teaching to work as a Production Manager, planning events to share Chinese culture with residence of Chicago

格瑞思-Perry Kus
人气指数: 26

Perry Kusnezoff Hello, name is Perry Kusnezoff. I am from Canada. I have a B.Sc. degree in Behavior Science, AP certificates in Psychology and US History and a 120 hour TEFL certificate. I have been teaching for approximately fifteen years. I taught privately in Canada, in schools in the Philippines and in many cities in China. My first Chinese teaching experience was in 1997 until 1998. I moved to China again in 2009 with my wife and son to teach in a middle school in Dongguan. I have been working in China ever since and have

人气指数: 26

Joshua Gregory Piper was born in England and raised in America. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2010 with a degree in accounting and has been teaching ever since. Over the years, he’s taught subjects such as Algebra, Geometry, Physics, History, Economics, Statistics and, most notably, ESL English. Gregory also has experience teaching almost every age group. Throughout his teaching career, he has had experience teaching everything from kindergarten to university. He started off his career teaching primary

人气指数: 26

宋杉杉Susan 硕士研究生,持有高级中学英语资格证书、上海口译证书、剑桥商务英语证书等,国家三级人力资源管理师。研究生期间曾在国际期刊上发表作者论文,曾获格瑞思学校全国教师课堂技能大赛一等奖。连续四年担任高中部班主任,曾获校“优秀班主任”称号。擅长英语标准化考试教学,对托福考试、ESL读写课程、英美文学阅读、国家新课标英语课程均有多年执教经验,课堂教学注重发展学生创造性思维和批判性思维,所教学生多名转入美国排名前60大学。

人气指数: 26

刘玉洁Stella 毕业于天津师范大学汉语言文学教育专业,同年由国家汉办选拔委派,作为国际汉语教师志愿者赴泰进行了为期一年的汉语教学工作。回国后在多所公办私立学校和国际学校先后任职。

人气指数: 26

邳小续Allen 信息与计算科学学士。拥有近10年的数学教学经验,多年来一直致力于教材与学生行为的研究,教学风格幽默,善于启发学生的问题意识,让学生成为课堂上的主角,在发问和探索中,理解掌握知识,提高学生的思维能力和学习能力。

人气指数: 26

张蕾Maggie 毕业于天津师范大学汉语言文学专业,中学教育一级职称,具备高中语文教师资格证,天津市中小学班主任证书、普通话一级证书。多年从事语文教学工作。曾在新加坡教育部所属中学担任中文教师及教材编写的工作,学习了国外先进的教学理念及工作方法,教学内容丰富多彩,教学形式灵活多样。

人气指数: 26

傅萌Irene 天津外国语大学对外汉语专业毕业,具有高中英语教师资格证和小学语文教师资格证书。已有十几年的教学经验,曾在和平区逸阳小学任教多年。擅长幼儿教育,幼儿心理及幼儿发展评估。对天津公立教育体系和国际教育体系有着深刻的认识,能够将东西方优势教学经验融合到日常教学中。

人气指数: 26

魏瑀Derek 应用数学专业,持有高级教师及中小学心理健康辅导教师资格证。从事一线教学工作10余年,拥有国际学校、职业技术学校及重点民办中学教学和班级管理经验,所带班级市五所率达到40%以上。曾连续三年获优秀班主任称号,多次获得学生活动指导奖,在区校级教学设计大赛,青年教师基本功大赛中多次获得奖项。



