

培训世界 >广州华美英语实验学校 >新闻中心 >广州华美英语实验学校对外汉语PBL,洋学生们这样学习汉语!


2020-05-12 11:21:50来源: 广州华美英语实验学校



  TPR(Total Physical Response)is widely used for teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages,especially students with a zero Chinese level,which is comparatively simple way for students to learn and accept.When the new epidemic came all of sudden,it brought an abrupt halt to the world for the time being.It is obvious that we cannot meet due to the epidemic,and it is time for us to think about how to carry out effective Chinese teaching.
  全球战“疫”,我们合力战疫情,在泥泞的道路上摸索,逆行而上,“停课不停学”,搭建云平台Easyclass,让学生宅在家里“云”游世界,汉语教学也顺势继续对PBL教学的摸索!那PBL到底什么呢?PBL是Project-based learning的简称,又称“基于项目的学习”,最早起源于美国。对教师来说,项目教学法是一种以学生为中心的教学方式;对学生来说,则是一种学习方式。它要求学生在教师或他人的帮助下完成“真实并富有挑战性的任务”。

  Nowadays,we work together to fight the epidemic.We explore the muddy road to face the challenge.Instead of physical school,we build on a cloud platform“Easyclass,“for students to do distance learning,and naturally,we continue PBL teaching in Chinese!What on earth is PBL?PBL is short for project-based learning,which originated in the United States.For teachers,PBL is a student-centered teaching method.For students,it is a way of learning that requires students to complete"authentic and challenging tasks,”with the help of teachers or others.
  I upload teaching content and daily tasks on Easyclass for students to access through a phone or computer.They spend about 15 minutes on group discussion,with a high-frequency use of vocabulary and grammar,to present their ideas or problems.By using environmental elements,such as the situation,collaboration;and after-class response,students collect materials to actively help them complete their project,which generally takes three to five days.The content of the project can be integrated with other disciplines,both in the arts and sciences,such as the ecological city,writing a drama,creating a song,etc.

  The ways of PBL are many and varied,so what projects have we been working on?
  1、贴近生活元素的Project(Reality-based Project)
  We've been working on a lot of projects,some with a global focus.For example:“When the outbreak of Covid-19 is over,you and your family are going to travel for a week.How will you plan your trip?”The children have a high interest in topics close to life and reality!
  2、文化元素的Project(Culture-based Project)
  As the saying goes,“Food is the first thing for the people.”While studying Chinese in China,the young students also have to learn Chinese food culture,without any doubt.To say,”One of my favorite Chinese foods is ____,”students have to think:What is a favorite food?Why do I like that?How do you cook or prepare it?Which Chinese foods do I know?Which Chinese foods do I like best?
  3、课外阅读的Project(Outside reading-based Project)
  There is a saying,“When a book is read a hundred times,its meaning will naturally become clear.”For Chinese learners,the reading of Chinese should not be neglected.In reading assignments,we pay attention to the extension of reading.Children spend time reading,sorting out materials,and completing tasks.
  At present,as a part of our Chinese teaching,PBL is still in the exploratory stage.The road is always stepped out,even if it is not good enough,not perfect.Compared to every previous version of us,we are in progress!We do our best,seize the day and live up to youth.